good morning jessie
good morning me.
49'er breakfast is so legit.

just jess didn't like her properness...

so then we cruzed around Haight, but the camera never left the bag. thought about getting a tattoo, saw some shoes, went into some boutiques, some jess stores. so intermission with these pictures... so go make that noise that they make at the end of Waynes World...

so now were by At&T park, we just parked the car and were heading to the place to meet jason and aska...
this park we walked thought was really cool...
on our way to the bar, 21st amendment brewery, i stopped to take this picture because "its a damn good day out right?"
hello jason and aska
watching jason dunk the onion ring in the spicy ketchup sauce was funny, then he dipped it in our guac

Aska's other children for Utah
we have matching cameras
aska was giving me sass...

rollies... sorry jess and mom.
AT&T park!

Escalator picture..

i think here i started to kick aska and take pictures while every one was peeing for some excitement...

Jason looks like hes feeln good...

out field!
the bay bridge!!!
the bay
we started off the game with some hot dogs...
the view from our seats!
then around the 3rd, we got popcorn...
then later we got a pretzel in the 6th....
night shot!!
around the 7th inning stretch the otter came by, as you can tell Aska was stoked his ass was by her face... the look on her face in the first picture is 'fuck you'.

then otter ass headed down to the doug out and for 7th inning stretch threw out cracker jacks..

we caught some.

all the trash...
good by AT&T park, i dunno why my camera has been taking alot of blurry pictures lately...

hello road home...
... Oh wait.. i forgot you have to pay to get over the bridge...
Pictures posted: A shit ton.
Time taken: 1 time watching the Royal Tenenbaums, and half way through Reservoir Dogs.
*if you didnt read SF Part 1, shame on you, go to the next page or click the link to read it. Heavy blog up dates lately, as in a lot of pictures.
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