Yawny drive to start things off...

Man up.
Still driving...

End of the Benician bridge...
and super hungry....

we got panda express, i was thinking 360 burrito, but then we drove past panda and it just sounded so good...

jason eats what i don't eat, and eats his burrito on catalogs at the shop...
hello adam

hello jason... just let me take a picture dick...

in typical milo fashion, we put things in the street to watch them get run over by cars...
oh so funny...
i put salsa into the road, it looked like the tire was throwing up...
jason put in a banana, it got stuck in his shirt when he went to go put it down...
the best was a bag of velvita cheese, shit sprayed every where, even on the car parked next to it.. so awesome...

this old benz had one of those back seats where you can look back at the cars, the kid doesn't even know how rad that stuff is...
the bay bridge, i showed that S turn whos boss...
in the S turn!!!

at some store in the mall at Union Square..
Jess getting her shop on...

in some other store at the mall, i saw this toy and thought it was funny, then laughed harder when i saw the warning label on it, keep away from hair?!
next after a little time in Union Square, we took BART out to Mission, to get some Arinell's pizza, per Adam's suggestion...

After pizza, and a little confusion, we meet up with Adam to head to the bar to go hang out. he took us down this ally way, that was full of art, one of the paintings that was down there was this Mike Giant, one, i was really pumped on it...

this is not the same painting, but its cool to watch him work..
MIKE GIANT on Jessie Street from Sean Desmond on Vimeo.
after we waked down art ally, we went to this bar called the Uptown, it was a dark dirty little hipster bar, but it was rad and a fun time. the only few photos we took are these, we were to busy talking about school, and listening to Adam's stories and having fun to take pictures. Reddit.

that ends part 1, we took a cab back to the hotel room, where we proceeded to watch late night tv and eat candy in bed. awesome.
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