i have been out for a little bit, this last weekend i went camping up by Ice House with Jessie, and her Cousin Todd and his wife MARgo, and friends. This was Jessie's first time camping, and aside from being scared of bears, the dirt, and the hole in the ground for a bathroom, she liked it. So, thats it for words, here is what you guys want, pictures...
i got the fire started, thats like 5years of accumulated boy scout knowledge..

todd and mike caught fish...

i guess the best part is the eyeballs...

Jessie and MArgo tried to row to the swim spot... i walked there.

bad hair and 2 cokes..

We sat on this rock and swam. it was nice.

we also saw this huge bee...

Couples picture!!!

we bought helo kitty cups before we left...

Thats our mini tent in the back...

Group photo time...

then we got stuck behind this idiot trying to back his trailer in...

the end

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