like i promised, the zoo post... i went to the Zooo, and saw the animals exctra. so here is what we saw/did, in order of appearance on my camera, now enjoy. and maybe listen to this song as you learn what i learned at the zoo...
First up we saw these little african birds... The choices in life... i guess... Saw the elephants being fed i even took my picture with him... this is the poop that elephants make... its big... "what are you taking a picture of?" "the poop..." "... you would..." Next we saw the monkeys... After the monkeys, we talked through this thing... jessie fit... i hit my back... We walked past the Giraffes ( < that word 'giraffe' sucks to spell...) i went over and looked at the turtles... and turtle poop... Sea Lions!!! i guess there mean little guys... Not as tall as a baby Giraffe... then we ran into the Flamingos, we tried to stand like them... for some reason this peacock was out and about so i chased it... then we saw this animal... ... and its poop... condors are mean birds too.. it ate a mouse... then it looked at me all mean and it was time to go.. straight chilling... Bear!!!! its really not trash... this point in the day, we got some snacks and a drink and went pee... i also chased the peacock around again... go pee get a snack, chase a peacock and take 5 then come back for the second half...
we came back and saw the flamingos being fed so we stopped and watched... then we saw the kangaroos!!! Boar.. Boar turds... we saw more birds... and bird poop... Lizard, sting ray, sloth, me. then we saw the Giraffe again... classic couples picture... don't feed him!! for aska the reptile house... galapogus turtles? turtle poop lil doggers. the camel camel poop this about sums up what i learned at the zoo...