The next day we woke up around 6, set up by about 7:45 and got in line. it was a blue bird pow day, do i really need to say more?
Inline at Chair 9. (*Photo cred Ryan)

Schopen looking mean as always.
Get ready to destroy!
Now you can see why we are smiling.
Destroyed!!! You wish you were there. *Far left tracks, left and right of that rock hanging out there.
Then we cruzed around and made our way over to chair 12 for some laps...
We made our way over to Chair 14.
Another Chair 14, shot thanks to Ryan.
From the back you can see Hemlocks, so rad.
Goodbye Chris.
Later Ryan.
Have fun at the Demos! (*Ryan picture.)
Thanks has to go out to Chris for taking me again, Chris's parents for letting me sleep in there couch, and feeding me. Ryan for the ride home, the fun times, and the pictures, and Ryan's Boss for the pizza.
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