This week i was lucky enugh to ride 3 days, and 3 diffrent resorts to boot. tuesday at Sierra at Tahoe with Cam and the CP Kids, Wens at Sugar for some soggy pow turns with Jeff and we also ran into Betsty and Jp Lagos, from
Easy Loungin and John Slaughter, from
Boreal, then today, thursday, at Homewood with Jason and Aska. So grateful and stoked i can have such a week. Out of those three days of riding i really only busted the camera out once, today so here is a re cap of today...
So to start it off, shout out to those of you who called me/or i called and we didn't meet up today to go ride, im sorry. Schopen said he had fun at North Star, and Haley said she had fun at Sugar Bowl today. Well today i decided to go ditch out and meet up with Jason & Aska at, what i would like to nick name it, Bonerwood, or
Homewood. if you haven't riden Homewood, im not going to say much about it, but its one of Tahoe's hidden gems. Also, Jason has a blog called "
Aren't You That Guy That Works at Milo?" and Aska has a blog that is called, "
Penguin Prograstination: I Should be Doing Home Work."
Had a shitty donut and some coffee for breakfast on my drive up, found a new use for my dashboard as well...

On the first chair lift up... Stoked to ride with Jason and Aska, and i wasn't the only one stoked...

Jason and Aska got all couply on the chair...

We went over to the back side to take some laps, the trees up top were still good, and you could find some pow patches...

Aska had a Kit Kat in her pocket... She shared with us. Awesome.

Then Jason got all mad at Aska and I...

Jason being fake happy.

Then we rode the T-Bar over to the chair, there goes Jason...

Then me...

Then Aska brought up the ass.

After the T-Bar and a chair lift ride up, we took the cat track hike over to Quails Face.

Jason and Aska doing some walking.

The View from the top of Quails, can you say "Hello Tahoe"? Now if you go to this link right
HERE, its the interactive trail map of Bonerwood, and they have a short video that shows Quails and its really cool so go peep that and you will get it, or not the pictures speak for the selfs.



of course we got all asian and took some family photos... again...

"why doesn't the secret society take some pictures together..." -Jason.


All smiles, fully didn't know i had a snow on my nose...

The hike out. so to get to the trail out, you have to bomb down this little hill and there was a little wu popper at the bottom, i look back in time to see Aska hit it full force, fly in the air, looking down at the ground, and then land face first all while shouting "MEEEEEEHHHHHHH" i wish i had a picture of that...

Just like a high school year book, its a look back of what just happened...

Back on the cat, Jason went over the bars and i died laughing...

then he got some liquid courage... *note aska's face.

this chair lift just about put me to sleep...

view on the ride back to the car...

Penguin slide!

i guess i got artsy on this one...

Lance's toy...

after hanging out with lance at the house for a bit we went out to dinner, i ordered an Elk burger with i think like raspberry bbq sauce and some waffle frys. soooo goood. also, we got appetizers. chicken wings, killed it. we got onion rings to, and im not a huge onion ring fan, but these were dope... VIVA LA WAFFLE FRYS!!!