the first day i forgot what we did...
oh yeah...
we ate dinner at Fudruckers... i had chicken nuggers.

then we went to Target...
we got Boo Berry Cereal, and jason kicked me in the tattoo.

Back to Jason and Aska's for AIRBLASTER video preview...

The next day i kicked it at Milo.
then aska picked me up and we went to Ikea, i proceeded to eat more chicken nuggets, and make fun of the asian people there.

back to milo then aska took me to skate this...

then back to jason and aska's for swedish meatballs with paul and mi mi.

and thats a wrap bitch!

1) it's Thursday - Friday... not the other way around...
2) We watched the WHOLE airblaster movie so it wasn't a preview
Come back soon. We miss you already... haha
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