So lately i have been getting a ton of crap about my blog sucking. you don't post enugh. you post to many pictures. blah blah blah here is an example...
"dude, your blog needs help. It is drowning in a sea of bordom
if this post does deliver, i am taking it off my toolbar."
so, on a lighter note, people also give me shit about my diet. you eat to much candy. you eat to much of this and not enugh of that. what made me realize my diet was the other week i was in the truck with wilmoth for a few days, and consumed a shit ton of food...
-1 Tacos Jaliscos veggie burrito.
-2 cookies from next door
-1 Awful awful and as much frys as i could eat.
the next day it was
-2 tacos from Baja Fresh.
-McDonalds for lunch.
not to mention a cup of coffee, soda and water consumed throughout the day.
now what brings me to this. i guess thats alot of food for the "average person" to be eating. well not this kid that is "average". i guess im just a hungry child that needs to be fed.. alot...
BUT it comes down to this...
back in the 90s, the food pyramid lookd like this...

and thats what i was raised on...
then some time in the '00s they changed it to this...

so now i forgot what i was guna say, but my point is, keep feeding me, im still hungry.