Tuesday, December 29, 2009


and then add this, Charlie '58 and some Forces...

i mean do i need to spell it you for ya??

Snowboard Realms.

Season 3 Episode 8.

back from the dead

i gota camera so were back from the dead bitches!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

charlie is watching

saw this on the CAPiTA facespace. i just got a boner...

OHTEN Day Three - Nov. 15 from spenser johnson on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

the 2nd waffle house..

so some where between fresno and shitting my brains out and going to the doctor, i started a second blog, but no here on Blogger, its over at ****** now i dunno if i want to post the link and just let that one be about me and "why im pissed..." or what... but we will see...

the weekend

so last thursday i promised you some pictures of chico, but sense i don't have a camera there are none...
so here is a re-cap for your monday pleasure...

-hit on a some girls and got rejected.
-drank some red bull and soda.
-ate a kids chicken nugget meal.
-poured sprite in chris's beer.
-we drove around for 15min trying to find In N Out.
-finding In N Out.
-Chad's pick up lines...
-Hank 3 and sunflower seeds at 1:30 on the drive home.

this weekend...
i don't want to get to graphic, so let me just put it this way, i was sick and have been laying on the couch all weekend, and saturday morning was the most horrific time i have ever spend in a doctors office....

but i did find this today which made my day...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

been busy lately...

so, this last week has been a little busy for me so here we go....
right after last weeks Jason visit, i went in for a day for work at the shop then headed down to Fresno, to meet up with the Herb Bauer's crew for there sale and some rail jam action...
heres what i noticed on the drive down 99 south....

it sucks.

once i got into fresno, i got a little lost, because i don't know how to read google maps on my phone.
but then once i found where Lindsey lives, the fun started. i walk in, and get tackled by Andrew Brewer, who was in town for the rail jam. we hung out for a little bit, and then went out for the night, we ended up going to T.G.I.F. Fridays for a few drinks, where i lurked around and made fun of all the wanta be UFC Fighter dudes there, and Brewer tried to sneak in a tall can and got kicked out, and a big scene so we split. Lindsey grabbed me and we went over to the liquor store where i bought a Semi-nuddie-mag-of-disappointment, but the candy bar made up for it. we partied at lindseys house, where...
-stripper pole action went down, i fell off a few times tho..
-noise complaints
-lindsey has sweet ass record collection as well.

the next day we drove over to the shop, where i drove thro a puddle of shit.
set up the tent, ran out to get the car wash, where the attendant thought i shit my pants, but no it was my car.
hung out and watched the rail jam, helped sell some stuff, ate a ham sandwich, and a little bit of chinese food.
packed up the tent around 6:00, and hung out till about 7:00 then back on the road. things to note driving up 99...

it sucks.

oh the only good thing about it is Wendys and Burger King.

then today, i rode with Lib Tech Isenberg, then Jeff from the El Scorcho blog, and his friend "bush league" Matt.
we mini shreded around till it got crowded because i forgot to day was a holiday. drove back into Auburn, where we skated the park for a little bit, till i fell again then called it a day.

so thank you Herbs crew for having me, thank you Lindsey for letting me sleep on the couch, thanks to isenber, jeff and matt for driving and being down to shred. so i leave you with this...

Chico movie premier tomorrow... maybe pictures and a post we will see....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

been out...

Skating a little bit...
went to Moraga again with Jason, and Drew from Milo...

Maybe more posts coming later this week, im currently at Jasons, its been a fun few days such as..
-wing stop
-late night baccon cheese burgers at Nations.
-Big jim getting mad and punching his lap top, then buying a new one half drunk.
-paul from sundance's "$20 a week to buy dumb shit" fund
-Zacharys pizza, and my first Bart ride in over 13 years.
-Skating around P-hill.
-and Aska having to go to class and shit...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Facebook X Snowboarding


Stop talking about how good you are, or that "big hand rail i just hit bro" and just shut your mouth and go ride.

few things to note...

the BNMxCAPiTAxSKINNER auction still has some days left on it, it ends on Nov. 13th, the friday the 13th..
for more information or to place a bid contact Boards N Motion at 530.888.7873 or email Wendy at boardsnmotion@sbcglobal.net and also check it out on Snowboarder Mags web site HERE.

other things along the lines of Friday the 13th, is the Sundance Jib Festival with $500 for top snowboarder. so bring your A game and get ready to have some fun, and get to jib around for a chance to win $500 thats alota beer or candy money!

Milo. Sport Video @ Fudruckers, always fun, and always trouble! Two great videos, Videograss, and a local one Happy meals will be playing, those kid works hard to put the video out, i laughed i cryed it was good, and i also hear maybe a secret showing of the Airblaster Movie.

and next up is 5th annual Parking Lot Jib Jam, the Boardroom at Herb Bauers. its going to be a fun time, and good friends. so mark sat november 7th on your calendars, for more information call 559.435.8600

Monday, October 26, 2009

im fucking...

blowing it with the blog lately... i need to do a legit post.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

milo video.

be there or i will kick you in the ass. one of the best nights of the year. don't miss it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The hills+Snowboarding

= This gay shit. thanks MTV Canada, but some how i can't stop watching....
john and i went out to this "party". on the way out to said "party" we drive past a string of what looked like to be 34 cones in a row. i hit a few and we laughed really hard at this. so we went to this party and it sucked, 3 bros playing beer bong, my 4'7" friend, and her bitchy friend. so we say hi hang out for a sec then bounce, john and i laughed super hard about the cones, so we ended up doing this.

to Eric Isenberg, the Mervin sub guy. the end, because im out of candy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

to: Colin Bruns

Keep rolln' little buddy.

balln' on a budget.

so far in the last month i have probably eaten 5 of them well 5 as of today, for a $1 you can't beat it with a stick. the jack in the box "Big cheese burger".

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"aren't you that guy that works at milo?"

is the name for Jason's new blog. its got alot of substance.

in case you didn't know..

this blog is not safe for work, and i don't use spell check.

Jason and Aska's!!!!

i did a super Lurky trip down to jason and aska's for a friday and thursday.. of course i didn't take any pictures, because i don't own a camera... but here is guna be a picture post anyway of those 2 days... Thanks Google.

the first day i forgot what we did...
oh yeah...
we ate dinner at Fudruckers... i had chicken nuggers.

then we went to Target...
we got Boo Berry Cereal, and jason kicked me in the tattoo.

Back to Jason and Aska's for AIRBLASTER video preview...

The next day i kicked it at Milo.
then aska picked me up and we went to Ikea, i proceeded to eat more chicken nuggets, and make fun of the asian people there.

back to milo then aska took me to skate this...

then back to jason and aska's for swedish meatballs with paul and mi mi.

and thats a wrap bitch!


So lately i have been getting a ton of crap about my blog sucking. you don't post enugh. you post to many pictures. blah blah blah here is an example...
"dude, your blog needs help. It is drowning in a sea of bordom
if this post does deliver, i am taking it off my toolbar."

so, on a lighter note, people also give me shit about my diet. you eat to much candy. you eat to much of this and not enugh of that. what made me realize my diet was the other week i was in the truck with wilmoth for a few days, and consumed a shit ton of food...

-1 Tacos Jaliscos veggie burrito.
-2 cookies from next door
-1 Awful awful and as much frys as i could eat.
the next day it was
-2 tacos from Baja Fresh.
-McDonalds for lunch.
not to mention a cup of coffee, soda and water consumed throughout the day.

now what brings me to this. i guess thats alot of food for the "average person" to be eating. well not this kid that is "average". i guess im just a hungry child that needs to be fed.. alot...
BUT it comes down to this...
back in the 90s, the food pyramid lookd like this...

and thats what i was raised on...
then some time in the '00s they changed it to this...

so now i forgot what i was guna say, but my point is, keep feeding me, im still hungry.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

here at the waffle house, we spend a decent amount of time on the computer... not just looking at porn and funny stuff, but also lots and lots of blogs. one that i enjoy reading is Aska's blog... but then she stopped blogging... but then she started again... so its all good. her new blog is called "Penguin Procrastination-i should be doing home work". its funny, and i think you should go check it out.. it will keep you from doing the shit you need to do, enjoy and say fuck it, its like Wednesday, week is basically over.
so im also going to leave you with these images, aska sent them to me while we were iChating the other day...

much like my room, my computer is a mess of shit. so, as soon as i clean it, more blogging will happen...


the other day, jeff came up to go skate. it was a fun filled day of bowl shreding, contact highs, ginger beers, and well skating. ofcourse i blow it and dont bring a camera with me (side note if you would like to donate to the camera fund please let me know). so anways, we kicked off the day by getting some good old taco tree, i made jeff get a bun taco...

i took jeff's picture and he didn't look to happy.

jeff also called Taco Tree the "McDowell's of Taco Bell".
after that we went skating up at grass valley, then hit up Good Times, then to say hey to Mischa over at Classic Tattoo, skated some more at Grass Valley, then down to the auburn park, then bbq at my house. good day.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dear Airblaster...

Please ship to the store already so i can buy my outerwear. i know im not going to be able to wear it for another like month or 2, but i would really like it please. thank you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

i know, i still miss you to snowboard... but this is sick.

Creatures new video, Hesh Law, coming out "whenever they finish it". (late october?)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

product review!

"bomb proof" my words exactly. go read it HERE

this video sucks.

this video sucks, by 32 and step child, new parts every hump day. click here to watch.

every body needs some soul.

so the other day i almost did a post about Estelle. her cd has been playing off of iTunes for the last 3 days and its not to bad. she sounds like a black version of Amy Winehouse, but better. way better. and personaly i think shes bangn'.

but the point of this post, is that i was guna post this yesturday, then said fuck it, im going to give jason shit for playing farmville. well today, i wake up and had text message from Jenny, and she told me to go watch this video....

so now i watched that video and here is the post. viva la humpday!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

i hope we get these...


killer skater, and nice guy. he came into the shop about a week ago to.

Friday, September 4, 2009

evil art.

the guys name is Alex Pardee and he draws evil shit, its cool, check out his web site here.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

this hump day...

.. It comes home!

in other news...

a-BURN caught on fire again.. this time really close to home.... like the Target/greens area. sweet. read more HERE. and in the words of Ron Burgandy... "that escalated fast..."