so, this last week has been a little busy for me so here we go....
right after last weeks
Jason visit, i went in for a day for work at the shop then headed down to Fresno, to meet up with the Herb Bauer's crew for there sale and some rail jam action...
heres what i noticed on the drive down 99 south....
it sucks.
once i got into fresno, i got a little lost, because i don't know how to read google maps on my phone.
but then once i found where Lindsey lives, the fun started. i walk in, and get tackled by Andrew Brewer, who was in town for the rail jam. we hung out for a little bit, and then went out for the night, we ended up going to T.G.I.F. Fridays for a few drinks, where i lurked around and made fun of all the wanta be UFC Fighter dudes there, and Brewer tried to sneak in a tall can and got kicked out, and a big scene so we split. Lindsey grabbed me and we went over to the liquor store where i bought a Semi-nuddie-mag-of-disappointment, but the candy bar made up for it. we partied at lindseys house, where...
-stripper pole action went down, i fell off a few times tho..
-noise complaints
-lindsey has sweet ass record collection as well.
the next day we drove over to the shop, where i drove thro a puddle of shit.
set up the tent, ran out to get the car wash, where the attendant thought i shit my pants, but no it was my car.
hung out and watched the rail jam, helped sell some stuff, ate a ham sandwich, and a little bit of chinese food.
packed up the tent around 6:00, and hung out till about 7:00 then back on the road. things to note driving up 99...
it sucks.
oh the only good thing about it is Wendys and Burger King.
then today, i rode with Lib Tech Isenberg, then Jeff from the
El Scorcho blog, and his friend "bush league" Matt.
we mini shreded around till it got crowded because i forgot to day was a holiday. drove back into Auburn, where we skated the park for a little bit, till i fell again then called it a day.
so thank you Herbs crew for having me, thank you Lindsey for letting me sleep on the couch, thanks to isenber, jeff and matt for driving and being down to shred. so i leave you with this...

Chico movie premier tomorrow... maybe pictures and a post we will see....